Danger of extinction


The extinction of a species is its absence on the surface of the planet or its inability to reproduce in a specific area.
The organism becomes extinct with the death of the last member of its family and below that, as it is threatened with extinction. In most cases, extinction occurs in two ways, either gradually due to its inability to live in certain conditions or to the conditions of life and it may be threatened with extinction due to the absence and deficiency of the species responsible for reproduction.
The other way is the sudden extinction, as happened in the dinosaurs, where the sudden disappearance of this species was observed, and there was no way to save it for survival.

The question that poses itself here is what are the contributions that may help in preserving these species from the threat of extinction

From here came the responsibility of the Lacoste brand, in cooperation with IUCN SOS, in catching up with the remaining 10 endangered species and took over this issue by creating an advertising campaign to save the following animals:

The Yemeni Mouse-tail Bat is a small size, he finds it difficult to find a suitable home for him

- Paris, Champs Elysées: The Iberian Lynx (589 specimens left)
- London, Covent Garden: The Yemeni Mouse-Tailed Bat (150 specimens)
- Los Angeles, Rodeo Drive: The Opal Goodeid (150 specimens left)
- Tokyo, Shibuya: The Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat (115 specimens left)
- Miami, Lincoln Road: The Mountain Chicken (132 specimens left)
- Berlin, Kudamm: The Addax (90 specimens left)
- Shanghai, Shanghai Kerry: The Cebu Damselfly (50 specimens left)
- New York, Broadway: The North Atlantic Right Whale (444 specimens left)
- Seoul, Garosugil: The Moheli Scops Owl (400 specimens left)
- lacoste.com: The Hawaiian Monk Seal (1,400 specimens left)

The Iberian Lynx 
He couldn't find the right food for him


The brand Lacoste Logo replaced its famous crocodile on its polo shirt with the logo of each of these extinct animals and encourage its fans to know about these endangered species and also decided to produce a limited quantity of its polo shirts with the 10 endangered species.

All the profits from these polo shirts were donated to save these animals from the threat of extinction.Which drew attention to it and to its support in maintaining the environmental balance.
This role played by Lacoste in spreading knowledge of the threat of extinction, and this important contribution that helped reduce this risk came from the standpoint of the important societal role that all companies must play
With a simple idea and in turn, all the products for this campaign have been implemented. Approaching the problems of society and dealing with them without arrogance yields brands as well as achieving enormous profits.
